Two types of windows

As discussed in our previous post, “Are all installations the same?” there are two distinctly different types of windows. How do I know what type of window I’ve been given a quote for?

Well, the easiest way to find out is to ask. “Does the window you will be installing have a reno-flange or a nailing fin?” The sales person will know exactly what you’re asking about, and if he or she doesn’t  you might as well escort them to the door now. Another question to ask is, “will you be applying an exterior trim after the window is installed?” If the answer is no, then you’re not getting a window with a nailing fin. The new construction window requires an exterior finishing trim in order to cover the nailing fin and water proofing membrane.

For more information about installation methods, and what to watch out for, give us a call. We’ll be more than happy to describe the finer points of a proper window installation.

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